Sunday 24 February 2008

v's Yate Rangers 24/2/08

The first team Cameron(goal), Ashley, Scott, Jack, Matt, Ryan and Oliver D were full of energy and raring to go and got stuck straight in! Ashley and Scott worked hard in defence keeping the pressure on and pressing the ball down whenever possible. Jack, Matt, Oliver and Ryan played well in the centre and up front with a few attempts at goal. Cameron saved many goals but eventually one got past him, making the final score 1-0. Scott was named Man of the match.
The second team were Oliver S(goal), Callum, Luke, Lewis, Holly, Tom, Christopher(1st half), Daniel(sub, 2nd half). They started the match wanting to pull back the score with Callum and Holly working hard in defence. There were also some good runs down the wings from Lewis and Luke with Tom helping out up front. Just before half time Chris made a brilliant run from the centre line and took a shot which unfortunately didn't quite hit the spot! The goals started coming hard and fast from Shirehampton's strikers and although Oliver was on top form(again!) they kept sneaking them in. Final score 5-0. Holly was named man/player of the match.

v's Shirehampton Colts 17/2/08

The first match started off strong with a lot of attack and positive play. The team used lots of passes, eventually resulting in a goal scored by Lewis. Our defence was also spot on and proved themselves by keeping the score at 1-0. First team was Cameron(goal), Lewis, Matt, Jack(m-o-m), Ash, Callum, Aarron, Luke(sub/last 10 minutes).
The second match started off positive but required a lot more from defence as Shirehampton's attack was the stronger. Oliver Sharp proved himself time after time, saving numerous goals to earn himself man of the match. The end result was 0-5, but all in all it was a hard fought game. Second team was Oliver S.(goal), Scott, Holly, Oliver D, Ryan, Tom, Christopher, Daniel(sub), Cameron(sub).

It was nice to hear postive feedback from the the other teams parents/manager about the team's morale and Olivers goalkeeping!! Could this be down to Chris' new energy boosting initiatives of bananas, jelly babies and mars bars?!

Sunday 17 February 2008

Whitchurch U’ 10’s versus Fry’s Club U’ 10’s

Sunday 10th February 2008

Game A

Whitchurch started the quicker and had the better chances. Fry’s gradually got into the match and the game became evenly balanced with chances going at each end. Whitchurch broke away and scored. The second half saw a shot on the turn by Lewis go just wide. Fry’s deserved to get an equaliser when a good passing move was kicked out for a corner, a succession of corner’s followed but Fry’s could not turn them into Goals, a downward header by one of our forwards was saved by their keeper and straight after a great run by Matt seen the ball bobble across an empty net. Try as we could we could not score the goal we deserved and the final score was 1-0.

M-o-M – Calum

Game B

Fry’s had an early scare as Whitchurch again started the quicker and saw a Whitchurch player shoot just wide when it would have been easier to score. Oliver was soon in action smothering a shot at the near post and saved straight after when a shot was destined to burst the net. Fry’s immediately fought back and Jack pulled the ball back from the by-line for Ryan to poke the ball into the Whitchurch net. Oliver pulled off another fine save to deny them an equaliser. Whitchurch scored a brilliant header from a corner then scored two more quickly to make the score 3-1 at half-time.

Luke got into a shooting position and made no mistake to pull a goal back right after the re-start. Within minutes Whitchurch scored again. Not to be denied, the players showed what they were made of and jack scored a free kick that David James could not have saved and seconds later a brilliant display of goal keeping from the Whitchurch ‘keeper denied Jack an equaliser. After a defensive mix-up, Whitchurch took advantage and scored a fifth. Holly tackled well in midfield and passed the ball forward resulting in a Fry’s goal making the score 4-5. After some good forward play Fry’s scored a fifth to make the final score 5 a-piece. An exciting game for all spectators to watch.

Geoff Dowle

Sunday 3 February 2008

V's Keynsham Town

Although this was a home game it was played on Keynsham's ground as theirs was in slightly better condition than ours! The team found the going hard with the mud caking around their feet, and valiantly struggled on through both games even though they knew the game wasn't going their way.
Christopher captained the first game with Oliver S, Luke, Callum, Matt, Holly and Ashley. Keynsham were strong on the attack from the first whistle and it wasn't long before they scored their first goal. The team's play during the first half was a bit messy but after a talk from Chris at half time they played on, never giving up even when the score rose to 0-5. Oliver battled on in goal, not once losing focus and deservedly won man of the match for the first team.
The second team, captained by Oliver D were Callum, Daniel, Jack, Tom, Aarron, Lewis and Scott(sub). They knew they had a lot to fight for in this match and went into it with a positive attitude! The first goal of this match was scored by Jack which gave the team a much needed boost. At half time Lewis went off and Scott came on. This match ended with a score of 1-2 and Aarron as man of the match.

A disappointing score for the team, but on a positive note, it gives Chris and Paul an opportunity to identify the team's needs and target them in training next week!

Saturday 2 February 2008

The team!

Here is a photo of the team taken at our Christmas party in Dec. They are all proudly wearing their new tops that Santa delivered!!